High-Performance Numerical Library for Solving Eigenvalue Problems
FEAST Eigenvalue Solver v4.0
User Guide
Eric Polizzi’s Research Lab.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
If you are using FEAST, please consider citing one or more publications below in your work.
Main reference
E. Polizzi, Density-Matrix-Based Algorithms for Solving Eigenvalue Problems,
Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 79, 115112 (2009)
Math analysis
P. Tang, E. Polizzi, FEAST as a Subspace Iteration EigenSolver Accelerated by Approximate Spectral Projection;
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX) 35(2), 354-390 - (2014)
Non-Hermitian solver
J. Kestyn, E. Polizzi, P. T. P. Tang, FEAST Eigensolver for Non-Hermitian Problems,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), 38-5, ppS772-S799 (2016);
Hermitian using Zolotarev quadrature
S. Güttel, E. Polizzi, P. T. P. Tang, G. Viaud, Optimized Quadrature Rules and Load Balancing for the FEAST
Eigenvalue Solver,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), 37 (4), pp2100-2122 (2015).
Eigenvalue count using stochastic estimates
E. Di Napoli, E. Polizzi, Y. Saad, Efficient Estimation of Eigenvalue Counts in an Interval,
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, V23, I4, pp674-692,(2016).
Polynomial Non-linear eigenvalue problem Residual Inverse Iterations
B. Gavin, A. Miedlar, E. Polizzi,FEAST Eigensolver for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems
Journal of Computational Science, V. 27, 107, (2018)
B. Gavin, E. Polizzi,Krylov eigenvalue strategy using the FEAST algorithm with inexact system solves
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, vol 25, number 5, 20 pages (2018).
J. Kesyn, V. Kalantzis, E. Polizzi, Y. Saad,PFEAST: A High Performance Sparse Eigenvalue Solver Using
Distributed-Memory Linear Solvers
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Anal-
ysis, ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference (SCâĂŹ16), pp 16:1-16:12, (2016).
If you have any questions or feedback regarding FEAST, please send an-email to feastsolver@gmail.com.
FEAST algorithm and software team, collaborators and contributors
Code Developer/Contributors Eric Polizzi (Lead)
James Kestyn (Non-Hermitian, PFEAST),
Brendan Gavin (Non-linear, IFEAST),
Braegan Spring (SPIKE banded solver, Hybrid solver–in progress),
Stefan Güttel (Zolotarev quadrature),
Julien Brenneck (GUI configurator, Quaternion–in progress).
Collaborators : Peter Tang, Yousef Saad, Agnieszka Miedlar, Edoardo Di Napoli, Ahmed Sameh
This work has been supported by Intel Corporation and by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under
Grants #CCF-1510010, #SI2-SSE-1739423, and #CCF-1813480.
A. Table of Contents
A. Table of Contents 3
1 Background 4
1.1 The FEAST Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 The FEAST Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Installation and Setup: A Step by Step Procedure 6
2.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Compilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Linking FEAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 HelloWorld Example (F90, C, MPI-F90, MPI-C) . . . . . . . . . 8
3 FEAST Interfaces 13
3.1 At a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2 FEAST Hermitian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3 FEAST Non-Hermitian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.4 FEAST Polynomial (quadratic, cubic, quartic, etc.) . . . . . . . . 24
3.5 IFEAST (FEAST w/o Factorization) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.6 PFEAST and PIFEAST (MPI-solver) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4 Complement 33
4.1 Matrix storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.2 Search contour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Contour Customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4 FEAST utility sparse drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
1 Background
“The solution of the algebraic eigenvalue problem has for long had a particular fascination for me because it illustrates
so well the difference between what might be termed classical mathematics and practical numerical analysis. The
eigenvalue problem has a deceptively simple formulation and the background theory has been known for many years;
yet the determination of accurate solutions presents a wide variety of challenging problems.
J. H. Wilkinson- The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem- 1965
The eigenvalue problem is ubiquitous in science and engineering applications. It can be encountered
under different forms: Hermitian or non-Hermitian, and linear or non-linear. The eigenvalue problem has
led to many challenging numerical questions and a central problem: how can we compute eigenvalues and
eigenvectors in an efficient manner and how accurate are they?
The FEAST library package represents an unified framework for solving various family of eigenvalue
problems and addressing the issues of numerical accuracy, robustness, performance and parallel scalability.
Its originality lies with a new transformative numerical approach to the traditional eigenvalue algorithm
design - the FEAST algorithm.
1.1 The FEAST Algorithm
The FEAST algorithm is a general purpose eigenvalue solver which takes its inspiration from the density-
matrix representation and contour integration technique in quantum mechanics
. The algorithm gathers key
elements from complex analysis, numerical linear algebra and approximation theory, to construct an optimal
subspace iteration technique making use of approximate spectral projectors
. FEAST can be applied for
solving both standard and generalized forms of the Hermitian or non-Hermitian problems (linear or non-
linear), and it belongs to the family of contour integration eigensolvers. Once a given search interval is
selected, FEAST’s main computational task consists of a numerical quadrature computation that involves
solving independent linear systems along a complex contour, each with multiple right hand sides. A Rayleigh-
Ritz procedure is then used to generate a reduced dense eigenvalue problem orders of magnitude smaller
than the original one (the size of this reduced problem is of the order of the number of eigenpairs inside
the search interval/contour). FEAST offers a set of appealing features: (i) Remarkable robustness with
well-defined convergence rate; (ii) All multiplicities naturally captured; (iii) No explicit orthogonalization
procedure on long vectors required in practice; (iv) Reusable subspace as initial guess when solving a series
of eigenvalue problems; and (v) Efficient use of both blocked BLAS-3 operations and parallel resources for
solving the linear systems with multiple right hand sides. FEAST can exploit a key strength of modern
computer architectures, namely, multiple levels of parallelism. Natural parallelism appears at three different
levels (L1, L2 or L3): (L1) search contours can be treated separately (no overlap), (L2) linear systems can
be solved independently across the quadrature nodes of the complex contour, and (L3) each complex linear
system with multiple right-hand-sides can be solved in parallel. Parallel resources can be placed at all three
levels simultaneously in order to achieve scalability and optimal use of the computing platform. Within a
parallel environment, the main numerical task can be reduced to the solution of a single linear system using
direct or iterative parallel solvers.
1.2 The FEAST Solver
FEAST release dates with main features are listed below:
v1.0 (Sep. 2009): Hermitian problem (standard/generalized)
v2.0 (Mar. 2012): SMP+MPI+RCI interfaces
v2.1 (Feb. 2013): Adoption by Intel-MKL
v3.0 (Jun. 2015): Support for non-Hermitian
v4.0 (Feb. 2020): Residual inverse iterations - mixed precision - IFEAST (FEAST w/o factorization)
- PFEAST (3 MPI levels) - Support for non-linear (polynomial) - Support for extreme eigenvalues
E. Polizzi, Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 79, 115112 (2009)
P. Tang, E. Polizzi, SIMAX 35(2), 354âĂŞ390 - (2014)
The FEAST package v2.1 has been featured as Intel-MKL’s principal HPC eigensolver since 2013
. The
current version of the FEAST package (v4.0) released in Feb. 2020 represents a significant upgrade since
the entire FEAST package has been re-coded to perform residual inverse iterations
. As a result, v4.0
is in average much faster than v2.1 or v3.0 (×3 4 using new default optimization parameters), and it
became possible to implement new important features such as IFEAST (using Inexact Iterative solver) and
Non-linear polynomial FEAST. Furthermore, v4.0 features PFEAST with its 3-MPI levels of parallelism.
FEAST is a comprehensive numerical library offering both simplicity and flexibility, and packaged around
a “black-box” interface as depicted in Figure 1 for the Hermitian problem.
Figure 1: “Black-box” interface for the Hermitian
problem. In normal mode, FEAST requires a search
interval and a search subspace size M
. It includes fea-
tures such as reverse communication interfaces (RCI)
that are matrix format independent, and linear system
solver independent, as well as ready to use driver in-
terfaces for dense, banded and sparse systems. For the
driver interfaces the “black-box” region extends then
to the right dashed box, and only the system matri-
ces are required as inputs from the users. The RCI
interfaces represent the kernel of FEAST which can
be customized by the users to allow maximum flexibil-
ity for their specific applications. Users have then the
possibility to integrate their own linear system solvers
(direct or iterative - with or without preconditioner)
and handle their own matrix-vector multiplication pro-
The current main features of the FEAST v4.0 package include:
Standard or Generalized Hermitian and non-Hermitian eigenvalue problems (left/right eigenvectors
and bi-orthonormal basis);
Polynomial eigenvalue problems such as quadratic, cubic, quartic, etc. (left/right eigenvectors);
Finding eigenpair within a search contour (normal mode); Finding extreme eigenvalues (lowest/largest)
for sparse Hermitian systems;
Real/Complex arithmetic and mixed precision (single precision operations leading to double precision
final results);
Two libraries: SMP version (one node), and MPI version (multi-nodes);
Reverse communication interfaces (RCI).
Driver interfaces for dense (using LAPACK), banded (using SPIKE), and sparse-CSR formats (using
IFEAST- FEAST w/o factorization for sparse-CSR drivers (using BiCGStab);
PFEAST- FEAST using 3 levels of MPI parallelism for HPC (MPI solvers includes MKL-Cluster-
PARDISO and PBiCGStab); Sparse and RCI interfaces compatible with local row-distributed data.
A set of flexible and useful practical options (quadrature rules, contour shapes, stopping criteria, initial
guess, fast stochastic estimates for eigenvalue counts, etc.)
Portability: FEAST routines can be called from any Fortran or C codes.
FEAST interfaces only require (any optimized) LAPACK and BLAS packages.
Large number of driver examples, utility routines, and documentation.
B. Gavin, A. Miedlar, E. Polizzi, Journal of Computational Science, V. 27, 107, (2018); B. Gavin, E. Polizzi, in preparation
2 Installation and Setup: A Step by Step Procedure
2.1 Installation
Please follow the following steps (here for Linux/Unix systems):
1. Download the latest FEAST package version feast_4.0.tgz in http://www.feast-solver.org
2. Put the file in your preferred directory such as $HOME directory or (for example) /opt/ directory if you
have ROOT privilege.
3. Execute: tar -xzvf feast_4.0.tgz to create the following FEAST tree directory.
| | | | | |
doc example include lib src utility
| | | |
------- -------- ------- -----
|-FEAST |-x64 |-kernel |-FEAST
|-PFEAST-L2 |-dense |-PFEAST
|-PFEAST-L2L3 |-banded |-data
|-PFEAST-L1L2L3 |-sparse
4. If <FEAST directory> denotes the package’s main directory after installation, for example
/home/FEAST/4.0 or /opt/FEAST/4.0,
it is not mandatory but recommended to define the Shell variable $FEASTROOT, e.g.
export FEASTROOT=<FEAST directory> or set FEASTROOT=<FEAST directory>
respectively for the BASH or CSH shells. One of this command can be placed in the appropriate shell
startup file in $HOME (i.e .bashrc or .cshrc).
2.2 Compilation
Go to the directory $FEASTROOT/src and execute make to see all available options. The same FEAST source
code is used for compiling FEAST-SMP (libfeast) and/or FEAST-MPI (libpfeast). The command is:
make ARCH=<arch> F90=<f90> MPI=<mpi> MKL=<mkl> {feast, pfeast}
where you can select the following options:
<arch> : it is the name of the directory $FEASTROOT/lib/<arch> where the FEAST libraries will be located
once compiled (you can use the name of your architecture). Default is x64
<f90> : it is your own Fortran90 compiler (possible choices: ifort, gfortran, pgf90). Default is ifort
<mpi> : (mandatory for compiling libpfeast only) it is your MPI library (possible choices: impi, mpich,
openmpi). Defaults to impi (intel MPI)
<mkl> : it enables Intel-MKL math library instructions (possible choices: yes, no). Default is yes.
if <mkl>=yes, at the linking stage, FEAST will have to be linked with Intel MKL.
if <mkl>=no, at the linking stage, FEAST can be linked with any BLAS/LAPACK. Not using
MKL will impact the behavior and performance of the FEAST sparse Driver interfaces: (i) it
would not be possible to use MKL-PARDISO and cluster-MKL-PARDISO so the FEAST sparse
interfaces will instead be calling IFEAST (BiCGStab); (ii) in-built sparse mat-vec routines (used
by the IFEAST sparse interfaces) will be slower.
For example, if the above default options look fine with you, just use:
make feast
to compile the FEAST-SMP library and create the file libfeast.a in $FEASTROOT/lib/<arch>
make pfeast
to compile the FEAST-MPI library and create the file libpfeast.a in $FEASTROOT/lib/<arch>
Congratulations, FEAST is now successfully installed and compiled on your computer !!
2.3 Linking FEAST
In order to use the FEAST library for your main application code, you will then need to add the following
instructions in your Makefile:
for the LIBRARY PATH: -L$FEASTROOT/lib/<arch>
for the LIBRARY LINKS using FEAST-SMP: -lfeast
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaausing FEAST-MPI: -lpfeast
for the INCLUDE PATH (mandatory only for C codes): -I$(FEASTROOT)/include
1- If FEAST was compiled with the option MKL=yes, your must also link with the MKL libraries. Otherwise,
you can link with any BLAS, LAPACK libraries.
2- If you use the FEAST banded interfaces, you need to install the SPIKE solver www.spike-solver.org
SPIKE must be compiled using the same Fortran compiler used for compiling FEAST.
3- For C codes, the user must include the following instructions in the header:
1 #i nclu de " f ea s t . h"
2 #i nc lu de " fea st _dens e . h" // f o r f e a s t dense i n t e r f a c e s
3 #i nc lu de " feast_banded . h " // f o r f e a s t banded i n t e r f a c e s
4 #i nc lu de " f ea st _sp ar se . h " // f o r f e a s t s pa r se i n t e r f a c e s
Using PFEAST (MPI sparse linear system solver), you must use instead:
1 #i nc lu de " p fe a st . h "
2 #i nc lu de " p fea st_ spa rse . h"
2.4 HelloWorld Example (F90, C, MPI-F90, MPI-C)
This example solves a 4-by-4 real symmetric standard eigenvalue system Ax = λx (using dense format)
A =
2 1 1 0
1 3 1 1
1 1 3 1
0 1 1 2
. (1)
The four eigenvalue solutions are λ = {0, 2, 4, 4}. Let us suppose that one can specify a search interval (such
as [3, 5]), a single call to the dfeast_syev subroutine should return the solutions associated with {4, 4}. The
FEAST parameters need first to be set to their default values by a call to the feastinit subroutine. Below,
we provide examples written in F90, C, MPI-F90, and MPI-C.
A Fortran90 source code of helloworld.f90 is provided below:
1 program h el lo wo rl d
2 i m p li c i t none
3 ! ! 4x4 ei ge nv alu e system
4 in te ge r , parameter : : N=4
5 ch ar ac te r ( le n =1) : : UPLO=F ! L or U a ls o f i n e
6 double p re c is io n , dimension (NN) : : A=(/ 2.0 d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 0 .0 d0,&
7 &1.0d0 , 3. 0 d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 ,&
8 &1.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 3. 0 d0 , 1.0d0 ,&
9 & 0. 0 d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 2 .0 d0 /)
10 ! ! input parameters f or FEAST
11 in te ge r , dimension ( 64) : : fpm
12 i n t e g e r : : M0=3 ! s ea rch subspace dimension
13 double p r e c i s io n : : Emin=3.0d0 , Emax=5.0d0 ! se arch i n t e r v a l
14 ! ! output v ar i a b le s f or FEAST
15 double p re c is io n , dimension ( : ) , a l l o c a t a b l e : : E, r es
16 double p re c is io n , dimension ( : , : ) , a l l o c a t a b le : : X
17 double p r e c i s io n : : epsout
18 i n t e g e r : : loop , i nfo ,M, i
20 ! ! ! A ll oc at e memory f o r ei g en va lu es . e ig en ve ct or s , r e s id u a l
21 a l l o c a t e (E(M0) ,X(N,M0) , r e s (M0) )
23 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! FEAST
24 c a l l f e a s t i n i t (fpm)
25 fpm(1)=1 ! ! change from d e f a u lt value ( p ri nt i n f o on sc re en )
26 c a l l dfeas t_sy ev (UPLO,N,A,N, fpm , epsout , loop , Emin , Emax,M0,E, X,M, res , i n f o )
28 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! REPORT
29 i f ( i n f o==0) then
30 p ri nt , S ol u ti on s ( Ei ge nval ue s / Ei gen vec tor s / Re sid ual s )
31 do i =1,M
32 p ri nt , E= ,E( i ) , X= ,X( : , i ) , Res= , r es ( i )
33 p ri nt ,
34 enddo
35 e nd i f
37 end program h el lo wo rl d
To create the executable, compile and link the source program with the feast library, one can use (for
ifort -o helloworld helloworld.f90 -L$FEASTROOT/lib/<arch> -lfeast -mkl
if FEAST was compiled with ifort and MKL flag was set to ’yes’.
gfortran -o helloworld helloworld.f90 -L$FEASTROOT>/lib/<arch> -lfeast
-Wl,–start-group -lmkl_gf_lp64 -lmkl_gnu_thread -lmkl_core -Wl,–end-group -lgomp
-lpthread -lm -ldl
if FEAST was compiled with gfortran and MKL flag was set to ’yes’.
1-Many other options are possible. For example, you can link with your own BLAS/LAPACK libraries, you
can compile FEAST with ifort and compile the helloworld example using gfortran via extra flag options,
or vice-versa, etc.
2- FEAST is using a linear solver that can be threaded (the LAPACK dense solver is used for the helloworld
example). Using MKL, you can control the number of threads by setting up the value of MKL_NUM_THREADS.
For example, in BASH shell:
export MKL_NUM_THREADS=<omp>
where < omp > represents the number of threads (cores).
A run of the resulting executable looks like:
and the output of the run should be:
*********** FEAST v4.0 BEGIN ******************
Solving AX=eX with A real symmetric
List of input parameters fpm(1:64)-- if different from default
fpm( 1)= 1
| FEAST data |
| Emin | 3.0000000000000000E+00 |
| Emax | 5.0000000000000000E+00 |
| #Contour nodes | 8 (half-contour) |
| Quadrature rule | Gauss |
| Ellipse ratio y/x | 0.30 |
| System solver | LAPACK dense |
| | Single precision |
| FEAST uses MKL? | Yes |
| Fact. stored? | Yes |
| Initial Guess | Random |
| Size system | 4 |
| Size subspace | 3 |
| FEAST runs |
#It | #Eig | Trace | Error-Trace | Max-Residual
0 2 7.9999999999999964E+00 1.0000000000000000E+00 2.2017475048923482E-08
1 2 7.9999999999999982E+00 3.5527136788005011E-16 1.0614112804180586E-15
==>FEAST has successfully converged with Residual tolerance <1E-12
# FEAST outside it. 1
# Eigenvalue found 2 from 3.9999999999999987E+00 to 4.0000000000000000E+00
| FEAST-RCI timing |
| Fact. cases(10,20)| 0.0009 |
| Solve cases(11,12)| 0.0197 |
| A*x cases(30,31)| 0.0000 |
| B*x cases(40,41)| 0.0000 |
| Misc. time | 0.0004 |
| Total time (s) | 0.0210 |
*********** FEAST- END*************************
Solutions (Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors/Residuals)
E= 4.00000000000000 X= -0.409757405384329 4.544205370554897E-003
0.814970605398106 -0.409757405384329 Res= 1.061411280418059E-015
E= 4.00000000000000 X= -0.286529001556041 0.866013481533371
-0.292955478421287 -0.286529001556041 Res= 6.481268641478987E-016
Similarly to the F90 example, the corresponding C source code for the helloworld example (helloworld.c)
is provided below:
1 #i nc lu de <s t di o . h>
2 #i nc lu de <s t d l i b . h>
3 #i nc lu de " f e a s t . h"
4 #i nc lu de " fea st _dens e . h "
5 i n t main ( ) {
6 / 4x4 ei ge nva lu e system /
7 i nt N=4;
8 char UPLO= F ; // L and ’U a l so f i n e
9 double A[16] = {2.0 , 1. 0 , 1. 0 ,0.0 , 1. 0 ,3. 0 , 1. 0 , 1. 0 , 1. 0 , 1. 0 ,3. 0 , 1. 0 ,0.0 , 1. 0 , 1. 0 ,2.0 };
10 / input parameters f o r FEAST /
11 i nt fpm [ 6 4 ] ;
12 i nt M0=3; // se arc h subspace dimension
13 double Emin=3.0 , Emax= 5.0; // se arc h i n t e r v a l
14 / output v a r i a b le s f o r FEAST /
15 double E, res , X;
16 double epsout ;
17 i nt loop , in fo ,M, i ;
19 / A ll oc at e memory f o r ei g en va lu e s . e i ge n ve c to r s / r e s id u a l /
20 E=c a l l o c (M0, s i z e o f ( double ) ) ; // e i g en va lu e s
21 r es=c a l l o c (M0, s i z e o f ( double ) ) ; // e i ge n ve c to r s
22 X=c a l l o c (NM0, s i z e o f ( double ) ) ; // r e s id u a l
24 /! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! FEAST ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! /
25 f e a s t i n i t (fpm ) ;
26 fpm [ 0] = 1; / change from d ef a u lt value /
27 dfea st_ sye v(&UPLO,&N,A,&LDA, fpm,& epsout ,& loop ,&Emin,&Emax,&M0, E,X,&M, res ,& i nf o ) ;
29 / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! REPORT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! /
30 i f ( i n f o ==0) {
31 p r i n t f ( " S ol ut i on s ( Ei ge nval u es / E ige nve cto rs / R esi dua ls )\n " ) ;
32 f or ( i =0; i<=M1; i=i +1){
33 p r i n t f ( "E=%.15e X=%.15e%.15 e%.15 e%.15 eRes=%.15e \n " ,
34 (E+i ) , (X+i N) , (X+1+i N) , (X+2+i N) , (X+3+i N) , ( r es+i ) ) ;
35 }
36 }
37 r etu rn 0 ;
38 }
To create the executable, compile and link the source program with the feast library, one can use (for
icc -qopenmp -I$FEASTROOT/include -o helloworld helloworld.c -L$FEASTROOT/lib/x64
-lfeast -mkl -lirc -lifcore -lifcoremt
if FEAST was compiled with ifort and MKL flag was set to ’yes’.
gcc -fopenmp -I$FEASTROOT/include -o helloworld helloworld.c -L$FEASTROOT/lib/x64
-lfeast -Wl,–start-group -lmkl_gf_lp64 -lmkl_gnu_thread -lmkl_core -Wl,–end-group
-lgomp -lpthread -lm -ldl -lgfortran
if FEAST was compiled with gfortran and MKL flag was set to ’yes’.
FEAST can be straightforwardly parallelized using MPI at level L2 (where the FEAST inner linear sys-
tems are automatically distributed among MPI processes). As a reminder level L1 corresponds to the
parallelization of the search interval, and level L3 corresponds to the parallelization of each linear system
using row-data-distribution and MPI solver. Examples using L1-L2-L3 (MPI-MPI-MPI) are discussed in the
PFEAST Section 3.6).
You can create the file phelloworld.f90 by cc-paste the content of helloworld.f90 and by just adding
a few lines at the beginning and at the end of the program, i.e.
1 ! ! ! ! add at the very b eg in ni ng
2 i nc lud e mpif . h
4 ! ! ! ! add a f t e r v a ri a bl e d e c l ar a t io n s
5 i n t e g e r : : code
6 c a l l MPI_INIT( code )
9 ! ! ! ! add at the end
10 c a l l MPI_FINALIZE( code )
Your program must be compiled using the same MPI implementation used to compile the FEAST-MPI
library. Once compiled, your source program must now be linked with the pfeast library. You can use (for
mpiifort -o phelloworld phelloworld.f90 -L$FEASTROOT/lib/<arch> -lpfeast -mkl
if FEAST was compiled with ifort, MKL flag was set to ’yes’, and MPI was chosen to be ’impi’ (intel
mpif90.mpich -fc=gfortran phelloworld.f90 -o phelloworld -L$FEASTROOT>/lib/<arch>
-lpfeast -Wl,–start-group -lmkl_gf_lp64 -lmkl_gnu_thread -lmkl_core -Wl,–end-group
-lgomp -lpthread -lm -ldl -lifcore
if FEAST was compiled with gfortran, MKL flag was set to ’yes’, and MPI was chosen to be ’mpich’.
A run of the resulting executable looks like:
mpirun -ppn 1 -n <np> ./phelloworld
where < np > represents the number of MPI processes (here we also choose 1 MPI process per compute node
with the option -ppn 1)
1-Scalability performances will be optimal here when the number of MPI processes <np> reaches the number
of contour points (provided by the default value fpm(2)=8 in this example).
2-Since FEAST is also threaded, make sure that your number of selected threads <omp> times the number of
mpi processes <np> for a given compute node (i.e. <omp>*<np>) does not exceed the number of your physical
Similarly to the MPI-F90 example, You can create the file phelloworld.c by cc-paste the content of
helloworld.c and by just adding a few lines at the beginning and at the end of the program, i.e.
1 ! ! ! ! add at the very begi nn in g
2 #in cl ud e <mpi . h>
4 ! ! ! ! change the argument l i s t o f the main f un c ti on
5 i nt main ( i nt argc , char argv )
7 ! ! ! ! add a f t e r va r i ab l e d ec l a r at i o ns
8 MPI_Init(&argc ,& argv ) ;
10 ! ! ! ! add at the end
11 MPI_Finalize ( ) ;
Your program must be compiled using the same MPI implementation used to compile the FEAST-MPI
library. Once compiled, your source program must now be linked with the pfeast library. You can use (for
mpiicc -qopenmp -I$FEASTROOT/include -o phelloworld phelloworld.c
-L$FEASTROOT/lib/x64 -lpfeast -mkl -lirc -lifcore -lifcoremt
if FEAST was compiled with ifort, MKL flag was set to ’yes’, and MPI was chosen to be ’impi’ (intel
mpicc -cc=gcc -fopenmp -I$FEASTROOT/include -o phelloworld phelloworld.c
-L$FEASTROOT/lib/x64 -lpfeast -Wl,–start-group -lmkl_gf_lp64 -lmkl_gnu_thread
-lmkl_core -Wl,–end-group -lgomp -lpthread -lm -ldl -lgfortran
if FEAST was compiled with gfortran, MKL flag was set to ’yes’, and MPI was chosen to be ’mpich’.
3 FEAST Interfaces
3.1 At a Glance
There are the two different types of interfaces available in the FEAST library:
Driver interfaces
Optimal drivers acting on commonly used matrix data storage (dense, banded, sparse-CSR, row-
distributed CSR).
Use predefined linear system solvers: LAPACK (for dense), SPIKE (for banded), MKL-PARDISO (for
sparse-CSR and FEAST), BiCGStab (for sparse-CSR and IFEAST), MKL-CLUSTER-PARDISO (for
row-distributed CSR and PFEAST), PBiCGStab (for row-distributed CSR and PIFEAST).
Reverse communication interfaces (RCI)
Constitute the kernel of FEAST, independent of the matrix data formats, so users can easily customize
FEAST with their own explicit or implicit data format (or row-distributed data format).
Mat-vec routines and direct/iterative linear system solvers must also be provided by the users.
Here is the complete list of all FEAST v4.0 interfaces (186 in total).
Properties RCI interfaces Dense/Banded interfaces Sparse interfaces
Linear AX = BXΛ
Real Sym. A = A
,B spd dfeast_srci{x} dfeast_{sy,sb}{ev,gv}{x} {p}d{i}feast_scsr{ev,gv}{x}
Complex Herm. A = A
,B hpd zfeast_hrci{x} zfeast_{he,hb}{ev,gv}{x} {p}z{i}feast_hcsr{ev,gv}{x}
Complex Sym. A = A
,B = B
zfeast_srci{x} zfeast_{sy,sb}{ev,gv}{x} {p}z{i}feast_scsr{ev,gv}{x}
Real General zfeast_grci{x} dfeast_{ge,gb}{ev,gv}{x} {p}d{i}feast_gcsr{ev,gv}{x}
Complex General zfeast_grci{x} zfeast_{ge,gb}{ev,gv}{x} {p}z{i}feast_gcsr{ev,gv}{x}
= 0
Real Sym. A
= A
zfeast_srcipev{x} dfeast_sypev{x} {p}d{i}feast_scsrpev{x}
Complex Herm. A
= A
zfeast_grcipev{x} zfeast_hepev{x} {p}z{i}feast_hcsrpev{x}
Complex Sym. A
= A
zfeast_srcipev{x} zfeast_sypev{x} {p}z{i}feast_scsrpev{x}
Real General zfeast_grcipev{x} dfeast_gepev{x} {p}d{i}feast_gcsrpev{x}
Complex General. zfeast_grcipev{x} zfeast_gepev{x} {p}z{i}feast_gcsrpev{x}
dfeast and zfeast stand for real double precision and complex double precision, respectively.
{ev,gv} stands for either standard (i.e. B=I) or generalized eigenvalue problems.
{x} is optional - stands for the expert FEAST version which enables customized quadrature nodes/weights.
{i} is optional - stands for the IFEAST version of the sparse interfaces using inexact iterative solver.
{p} is optional - stands for the PFEAST version of the sparse interfaces using distributed MPI solvers
(direct or iterative).
In addition, all the input parameters for the FEAST algorithm are contained into an integer array of size
64 named here fpm. Prior calling the FEAST interfaces, this array needs to be initialized. There exists two
FEAST initialization routines:
!!!! initialization for FEAST
!!!! initialization for PFEAST (needed if the sparse interfaces use a MPI solver)
All input FEAST parameters are then set to their default values. The detailed list of the fpm parameters is
given in Table 1. Users can modify their values accordingly before calling the FEAST interfaces.
fpm(i) F90 Description Default values
fpm[i-1] C
Runtime and algorithm options
i=1 Print runtime comments
0: Off || 1: On screen
n<0: Write/Append comments in the file feast<|n|>.log
i=2 #contour points for Hermitian FEAST (half-contour)
if fpm(16)=0,2, values permitted (1 to 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56)
if fpm(16)=1, all positive values permitted
8 using FEAST
4 using IFEAST
3 using Stochastic fpm(14)=2
i=3 Stopping convergence criteria in double precision (0 to 16)
= 10
i=4 Maximum number of FEAST refinement loop allowed ( 0) 20 using FEAST
50 using IFEAST
i=5 Provide initial guess subspace (0: No; 1: Yes) 0
i=6 Convergence criteria (for solutions in the search contour)
0: Using relative error on the trace epsout i.e. epsout<
1: Using relative residual res i.e. max
res(i) <
i=8 #contour points for non-Herm./poly. FEAST (full-contour)
if fpm(16)=0, values permitted (2 to 40, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112)
if fpm(16)=1, all values permitted (>2)
16 using FEAST
8 using IFEAST
6 using Stochastic fpm(14)=2
i=9 L2 communicator for PFEAST set by call to pfeastinit
i=10 Store linear system factorizations (0: No; 1: Yes). 1 using all Driver interfaces
0 using RCI interfaces
i=14 0: FEAST normal execution
1: Return subspace Q after 1 contour
2: Stochastic estimate of #eigenvalues inside search contour
i=15 #Contours for non-Hermitian or polynomial FEAST.
0: two-sided contour (compute right/left eigenvectors)
1: one-sided contour (compute only right eigenvectors)
2: one sided contour (left=right* eigenvectors)
0 using non-sym. drivers
1 using Stochastic fpm(14)=2
2 using sym. drivers
i=16 Integration type (0: Gauss 1: Trapezoidal; 2: Zolotarev)
Remark: option 2 only for Hermitian
0 for Hermitian FEAST
1 for non-Herm./poly. FEAST
1 for IFEAST
i=18 Ellipse contour ratio ’vertical axis’/’horizontal axis’ ( 0)
fpm(18)/100 = ratio
30 for Hermitian FEAST
100 for non-Herm./poly. FEAST
100 for IFEAST
i=19 Ellipse rotation angle in degree from vertical axis [-180:180]
Remark: only for non-Hermitian
i=49 L3 communicator for PFEAST set by call to pfeastinit
Driver interface options
i=40 Search interval option for sparse Hermitian drivers
0: search interval provided by user
-1: search M0/2 lowest eigenvalues- return search interval
1: search M0/2 largest eigenvalues- return search interval
i=41 Matrix scaling for sparse drivers (0: No; 1: Yes). 1
i=42 Mixed Precision for all drivers
0: use double precision linear system solvers
1: use single precision linear system solvers
i=43 Automatic switch from FEAST to IFEAST drivers
i=45 Accuracy of BiCGStab in IFEAST µ = 10
i=46 Maximum #iterations for BiCGStab in IFEAST 40
i=60 Output: returns the total number of BicGstab iterations N/A
All Others Reserved values and/or Undocumented options N/A
Table 1: List FEAST parameters with default input values.
Remark: Using the C language, the components of the fpm array starts at 0 and stops at 63. Therefore, the
components fpm[j] in C (j=0-63) must correspond to the components fpm(i) in Fortran (i=1-64) specified
above (i.e. fpm[i-1]=fpm(i)).
Errors and warnings encountered during a run of the FEAST package are stored in an integer variable, info.
If the value of the output info parameter is different than “0”, either an error or warning was encountered.
The possible return values for the info parameter along with the error code descriptions, are given in Table 2.
info Classification Description
202 Error Problem with size of the system N
201 Error Problem with size of subspace M0
200 Error Problem with Emin, Emax or Emid, r
(100 + i) Error Problem with i
value of the input FEAST parameter (i.e fpm(i))
7 Warning The search for extreme eigenvalues has failed, search contour must be set by user
6 Warning FEAST converges but subspace is not bi-orthonormal
5 Warning Only stochastic estimation of #eigenvalues returned fpm(14)=2
4 Warning Only the subspace has been returned using fpm(14)=1
3 Warning Size of the subspace M0 is too small (M0<=M)
2 Warning No Convergence (#iteration loops>fpm(4))
1 Warning No Eigenvalue found in the search interval
0 Successful exit
1 Error Internal error conversion single/double
2 Error Internal error of the inner system solver in FEAST Driver interfaces
3 Error Internal error of the reduced eigenvalue solver
Possible cause for Hermitian problem: matrix B may not be positive definite
(100 + i) Error Problem with the i
argument of the FEAST interface
Table 2: Return code descriptions for the parameter info.
Quick Tutorial using FEAST Drivers
1. Identify your FEAST driver. Look at the corresponding section of this documentation to set up the
argument lists.
2. Specify a search contour enclosing the wanted eigenvalues (normal FEAST mode). Alternatively,
you can also use the Hermitian sparse drivers to search for the M0/2 lowest (fpm(40)=-1) or largest
(fpm(40)=1) eigenpairs (here M0 must be set to two times the number of wanted eigenvalues).
3. In normal FEAST mode, specify the search subspace size M0 as an overestimation of your estimated
#eigenvalues M within the contour (typically M0 1.5M). If needed, user can take advantage of fast
stochastic estimates for M within a particular contour using fpm(14)=2.
4. Change the fpm default options if needed and run the code.
The FEAST convergence rate depends on the choice of the search subspace size M0, the number of
contour points, and the nature of the quadrature. To improve the convergence rate, you have the
possibility to:
keep on increasing the number of quadrature nodes fpm(2) (fpm(8) for non-Hermitian/Polynomial).
keep on increasing M0 for the Gauss-Legendre or Trapezoidal quadrature.
switch to Zolotarev quadrature for the Hermitian problem with fpm(16)=2 (Zolotarev is ideally
suited to deal with continuum spectra without the need to increase the subspace size M0M).
Although FEAST could be used to seek 1000’s of eigenpairs within a single search contour, the size of
the search subspace M0 is supposed to be much smaller than the size of the eigenvalue problem N. As
a result, the arithmetic complexity would mainly depend on the inner system solve (i.e. O(NM
) for
narrow banded or sparse system solvers). If you are looking for a very large number of eigenvalues, it
is recommended to consider multiple search intervals to be solved in parallel using PFEAST.
FEAST v4.0 is using an inverse residual iteration algorithm which enables the linear systems to be
solved with very low accuracy with no impact on the FEAST double precision convergence rate (!).
Consequently, all FEAST linear systems are solved in single precision by default (fpm(42)=1). Using
the RCI interfaces, users can then plug in their own low accuracy (single precision or less) direct or
iterative solver. Additionally, all the linear system factorizations can be kept in memory by (using
fpm(10)=1) which improves performance but use more memory.
Using the FEAST-SMP library, parallelism at the third level L3 (linear system solves) can only
be achieved using the threading capabilities of the linear system solver and via the shell variable
MKL_NUM_THREADS if Intel-MKL is used or the shell variable OMP_NUM_THREADS if SPIKE is used for the
banded interfaces.
Using the FEAST-MPI library, you can trivially parallelize the second level L2 (contour points) and
keep on using the same FEAST/IFEAST driver interfaces with shared memory solver at L3. Scalability
performances will be optimal when the number of MPI processes reaches the number of contour points
(either fpm(2) for FEAST Hermitian or fpm(8) for FEAST non-Hermitian and Polynomial).
The FEAST-MPI library also offers the possibility to use a MPI solver at level L3. This scheme is
called PFEAST and it is detailed in Section 3.6.
3.2 FEAST Hermitian
!!!! Standard AX=EX - Real-Symmetric and Complex Hermitian
!!!! Generalized AX=EBX - Real-Symmetric and Complex Hermitian- (B is hpd)
!!!! RCI (format independent) - Real-Symmetric and Complex Hermitian
We note the following:
The Table below details the series of arguments in each {List-A}, and {List-B} that are specific to
the type of matrix format represented above by F (as a placeholder).
F List-A List-B
Dense {y,e} { UPLO, N, A, LDA } { B, LDB }
Banded b { UPLO, N, ka, A, LDA } { kb, B, LDB }
Sparse csr { UPLO, N, A, IA, JA } { B, IB, JB }
Table 4 details the specific matrix-format arguments in {List-A} and {List-B}
Table 3 details the common arguments in all the Hermitian FEAST interfaces above,
Table 5 details the arguments for the Hermitian RCI interfaces (in red above).
Type I/O Description
fpm integer(64) in/out FEAST input parameters (see Table 1)
epsout double real out Trace relative error |trace
|/ max(|Emin|, |Emax|)
loop integer out # of FEAST subspace iterations
Emin,Emax double real in/out Lower and Upper bounds of search interval
Remark: Output values if fpm(40)=+-1 for sparse drivers
M0 integer in/out Search subspace dimension
On entry: initial guess M0M
On exit: new suitable M0 if guess too large
Remark: M0=2*Wanted if fpm(40)=+-1 for sparse drivers
E double real(M0) in/out Eigenvalues
On entry: initial guess if fpm(5)=1 (previous FEAST run)
On exit: Eigenvalues solutions E(1:M)
Remark: the E(M+1:M0) values are outside [Emin,Emax]
X double real(N,M0) using dfeast in/out Eigenvectors (N: size of the system)
double complex(N,M0) using zfeast On entry: initial guess if fpm(5)=1 (previous FEAST run)
On exit: Eigenvectors solutions X(1:N,1:M)
Remark: if fpm(14)=1, first Q subspace on exit
M integer out #Eigenvalues found in [Emin,Emax]
#Estimated eigenvalues if fpm(14)=2
res double real(M0) out Relative residual ||Ax
with α = max(|Emin|, |Emax|)
info integer out Error handling (see Table 2 for all INFO codes)
Zne,Wne double complex(fpm(2)) in Custom integration nodes and weights- Expert mode
Table 3: List of common arguments for the FEAST Hermitian Driver interfaces.
Type I/O Description
UPLO character(len=1) in Matrix Storage (’F’,’L’,’U’)
’F’: Full; ’L’: Lower; ’U’: Upper
N integer in Size of the system
A double real(LDA,N) using dfeast in Eigenvalue system (Stiffness) matrix
double complex(LDA,N) using zfeast
LDA integer in Leading dimension of A LDA>=N
B double real(LDB,N) using dfeast in Eigenvalue system (Mass) matrix
double complex(LDA,N) using zfeast
LDB integer in Leading dimension of B LDB>=N
ka integer in The number of sub or super-diagonals within the band of A.
A double real(LDA,N) using dfeast in Eigenvalue system (Stiffness) matrix
double complex(LDA,N) using zfeast
LDA integer in Leading dimension of A LDA>=2*ka+1 if UPLO=’F’
Leading dimension of A LDA>=ka+1 if UPLO=’L’ or ’U’
kb integer in The number of sub or super-diagonals within the band of B.
B double real(LDB,N) using dfeast in Eigenvalue system (Mass) matrix
double complex(LDB,N) using zfeast
LDB integer in Leading dimension of B LDB>=2*kb+1 if UPLO=’F’
Leading dimension of B LDB>=kb+1 if UPLO=’L’ or ’U’
A double real(IA(N+1)-1) using dfeast in Eigenvalue system (Stiffness) matrix - CSR values
double complex(IA(N+1)-1) using zfeast
IA integer(N+1) in Sparse CSR Row array of A.
JA integer(IA(N+1)-1) in Sparse CSR Column array of A.
B double real(IB(N+1)-1) using dfeast in Eigenvalue system (Mass) matrix - CSR values
double complex(IB(N+1)-1) using zfeast
IB integer(N+1) in Sparse CSR Row array of B.
JB integer(IB(N+1)-1) in Sparse CSR Column array of B.
Table 4: List of arguments that are matrix-format specific for the FEAST Driver interfaces. Applicable to
Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Drivers.
Type I/O Description
ijob integer in/out On entry: ijob=-1 (initialization)
On exit: ID of the FEAST_RCI operation
N integer in Size of the system
Ze double complex out Coordinate along the complex contour
work1 double real(N,M0) using dfeast in/out Workspace
double complex(N,M0) using zfeast
work2 double complex(N,M0) in/out Workspace
Aq, Bq double real(M0,M0) using dfeast in/out Workspace for the reduced eigenvalue problem
double complex(M0,M0) using zfeast
Table 5: List of arguments for the FEAST Hermitian RCI interfaces.
Hermitian Driver Interfaces: Examples
Let us consider the following systems:
System1 a “real symmetric” generalized eigenvalue problem Ax = λBx , where A is real symmetric and B
is symmetric positive definite. A and B are of the size N = 1671 and have the same sparsity pattern
with number of non-zero elements NNZ = 11435.
System2 a “complex Hermitian” standard eigenvalue problem Ax = λx, where A is complex Hermitian.
A is of size N = 600 with number of non-zero elements NNZ = 2988.
The $FEASTROOT/example/FEAST directory provides Fortran and C implementation of these systems
using both dense, banded and sparse-CSR storage. Here, the complete list of routines:
System1 System2
{F90,C}dense_dfeast_sygv {F90,C}dense_zfeast_heev
{F90,C}dense_dfeast_sbgv {F90,C}dense_zfeast_hbev
{F90,C}dense_dfeast_scsrgv {F90,C}dense_zfeast_hcsrev
using dfeast_scsrgv to compute few lowest eig.)
The $FEASTROOT/example/PFEAST-L2 directory provides the parallel implementation of all these routines
using FEAST-MPI. The routine names are preceded by the letter P. The MPI parallelization operates only
at the second level L2 where all the (fpm(2)) linear systems are distributed among the MPI processes.
Hermitian RCI Interfaces
Using the FEAST_RCI interfaces, the ijob parameter must first be initialized with the value 1. Once
the RCI interface is called, the value of the ijob output parameter, if different than 0, is used to identify
the FEAST operation that needs to be completed by the user. Users have then the possibility to customize
their own matrix direct or iterative factorization and linear solve techniques as well as their own matrix
multiplication routine.
Here is a general (F90) template example of RCI for solving real symmetric problem:
1 i jo b=1 ! i n i t i a l i z a t i o n
2 do w hile ( i j o b /=0)
3 c a l l d f ea s t_ s rc i ( ij ob ,N, Ze , work1 , work2 ,Aq, Bq , fpm , epsout , loop , Emin ,Emax,M0, E,X,M, res , i n f o )
4 s e l e c t ca se ( i j o b )
5 c as e ( 10) ! ! F ac to ri ze the complex matrix Az <=(ZeBA) or f a c t o r i z e a pr ec o nd it i on er o f ZeBA
6 ! !REMARK: Az can be formed and f a c t o r iz e d us in g s i n g l e p r e c i si o n a ri th me ti c
7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
8 c as e ( 11) ! ! So lv e the l i n e a r system with fpm (23 ) rhs ; Az Qz=work2 ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
9 ! ! Res ult ( i n pl ace ) in work2 <= Qz ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
10 ! !REMARKS: So lve can be performed i n s i n g l e p r e c i si o n
11 ! ! Low accuracy i t e r a t i v e s o l ve r are ok
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
13 c as e ( 30) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n A X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
14 ! ! where i=fpm ( 24 ) and j=fpm(24)+fpm(25)1
15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
16 c as e ( 40) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n B X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
17 ! ! where i=fpm (2 4) and j=fpm(24)+fpm(25) 1
18 ! !REMARK: us er must s e t work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )=X( 1 :N, i : j ) i f B=I
19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er e nt ry
20 end s e l e c t
21 end do
Here is a general (F90) template example of RCI for solving complex Hermitian problem:
1 i jo b=1 ! i n i t i a l i z a t i o n
2 do w hile ( i j o b /=0)
3 c a l l z fe a st _h r ci ( ij ob ,N, Ze , work1 , work2 , Aq, Bq , fpm , epsout , loop , Emin ,Emax,M0, E,X,M, res , i n f o )
4 s e l e c t ca se ( i j o b )
5 c as e ( 10) ! ! F ac to ri ze the complex matrix Az <=(ZeBA) or f a c t o r i z e a pr ec o nd it i on er o f ZeBA
6 ! !REMARK: Az can be formed and f a c t o r iz e d us in g s i n g l e p r e c i si o n a ri th me ti c
7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
8 c as e ( 11) ! ! So lv e the l i n e a r system with fpm (23 ) rhs ; Az Qz=work2 ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
9 ! ! Res ult ( i n pl ace ) in work2 <= Qz ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
10 ! !REMARKS: So lve can be performed i n s i n g l e p r e c i si o n
11 ! ! Low accuracy i t e r a t i v e s o l ve r are ok
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
13 c as e ( 20) ! ! [ Optional : only i f needed by case ( 2 1 ) ]
14 ! ! F ac to ri z e the complex matrix Az^H
15 ! !REMARKS: The matrix Az from ca se ( 10) cannot be ov er wri tt en
16 ! ! cas e ( 20) becomes o b so l et e i f the s o lv e i n c ase ( 21) can be performed
17 ! ! by re us in g the f a c t o r i z a t i o n i n c ase (1 0)
18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
19 c as e ( 21) ! ! So lv e the l i n e a r system with fpm (23 ) rhs ; Az^H Qz=work2 ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 2 3) )
20 ! ! Res ult ( i n pl ace ) in work2 <= Qz ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
22 c as e ( 30) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n A X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
23 ! ! where i=fpm (2 4) and j=fpm(24)+fpm(25) 1
24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
25 c as e ( 40) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n B X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
26 ! ! where i=fpm ( 24 ) and j=fpm(24)+fpm(25)1
27 ! !REMARK: us er must s e t work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )=X( 1 :N, i : j ) i f B=I
28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er e nt ry
29 end s e l e c t
30 end do
3.3 FEAST Non-Hermitian
!!!! Standard AX=EX - Complex Symmetric, Real General and Complex General
!!!! Generalized AX=EBX - Complex Symmetric (B also sym.), Real General and Complex General
!!!! RCI (format independent) - Complex Symmetric and Real/Complex General
We note the following:
The Table below details the series of arguments in each {List-A}, and {List-B} that are specific to
the type of matrix format represented above by F (as a placeholder).
F List-A List-B
Symmetric y {UPLO, N, A, LDA} {B, LDB}
General e {N, A, LDA} {B, LDB}
Symmetric b {UPLO, N, ka, A, LDA} {kb, B, LDB}
General b {N, kla, kua, A, LDA} {klb, kub, B, LDB}
Symmetric csr {UPLO, N, A, IA, JA} {B, IB, JB}
General csr {N, A, IA, JA} {B, IB, JB}
Similarly to the Hermitian case, Table 4 details the specific matrix-format arguments in {List-A}
and {List-B}. For the banded drivers and the real/complex general cases, kla (resp. klb) represents
the number of sub-diagonals for matrix A (resp. matrix B), and kua (resp. kub) the number of super-
diagonals for matrix A (resp. matrix B).
Table 7 details the common arguments in all the non-Hermitian FEAST interfaces above.
Table 6 details the arguments for the non-Hermitian RCI interfaces (in red above).
Type I/O Description
ijob integer in/out On entry: ijob=-1 (initialization)
On exit: ID of the FEAST_RCI operation
N integer in Size of the system
Ze double complex out Coordinate along the complex contour
work1 double complex(N,M0) in/out Workspace
double complex(N,2*M0)
(if left vector calculated for non-sym.
interfaces and fpm(15)=0)
work2 double complex(N,M0) in/out Workspace
Aq, Bq double complex(M0,M0) in/out Workspace for the reduced eigenvalue problem
Table 6: List of arguments for the FEAST RCI interfaces. Applicable to Non-Hermitian and Polynomial
Type I/O Description
fpm integer(64) in/out FEAST input parameters (see Table 1)
epsout double real out Trace relative error |trace
|/ max(|Emid| + r)
loop integer out # of FEAST subspace iterations
Emid double complex in Coordinate center of the contour ellipse
r double real in Horizontal radius of the contour ellipse
M0 integer in/out Search subspace dimension
On entry: initial guess M0M
On exit: new suitable M0 if guess too large
E double complex(M0) in/out Eigenvalues
On entry: initial guess if fpm(5)=1 (previous FEAST run)
On exit: Eigenvalues solutions E(1:M)
Remark: the E(M+1:M0) values are outside the contour
X double complex(N,M0) in/out Eigenvectors (N: size of the system)
or On entry: initial guess if fpm(5)=1 (previous FEAST run)
double complex(N,2*M0) On exit: (right) Eigenvectors solutions X(1:N,1:M)
(if left vectors calculated for Remarks: -left vectors (if calculated) in X(1:N,M0+1:M0+M)
non-sym. drivers and fpm(15)=0) Remarks: -if fpm(14)=1, first Q subspace on exit
M integer out #Eigenvalues found inside contour
#Estimated eigenvalues if fpm(14)=2
res double complex(M0) out Relative residual res(1:M) (right); res(M0+1,M0+M) (left)
or (right) ||Ax
double complex(2*M0) (left) ||A
(if left vectors calculated) with α = max(|Emid| + r)
info integer out Error handling (see Table 2 for all INFO codes)
Zne,Wne double complex(fpm(8)) in Custom integration nodes and weights- Expert mode
Table 7: List of common arguments for the FEAST Driver interfaces. Applicable to Non-Hermitian and
Polynomial Drivers.
non-Hermitian Driver Interfaces: Examples
Let us consider the following systems:
System3 a “real non-symmetric” generalized eigenvalue problem Ax = λBx , where A and B are real
non-symmetric. A and B are of the size N = 1671 and have the same sparsity pattern with number of
non-zero elements NNZ = 13011.
System4 a “complex symmetric” standard eigenvalue problem Ax = λx, where A is complex symmetric.
A is of size N = 801 with number of non-zero elements NNZ = 24591.
The $FEASTROOT/example/FEAST directory provides Fortran and C implementation of these systems
using both dense, banded and sparse-CSR storage. Here, the complete list of routines (System4 includes
examples for using expert routines as well):
System3 System4
{F90,C}dense_dfeast_gegv {F90,C}dense_zfeast_syev{x}
{F90,C}dense_dfeast_gbgv {F90,C}dense_zfeast_sbev{x}
{F90,C}dense_dfeast_gcsrgv {F90,C}dense_zfeast_scsrev{x}
The $FEASTROOT/example/PFEAST-L2 directory provides the parallel implementation of all these routines
using FEAST-MPI. The routine names are preceded by the letter P. The MPI parallelization operates only
at the second level L2 where all the (fpm(2)) linear systems are distributed among the MPI processes.
non-Hermitian RCI Interfaces
The RCI template for solving the complex symmetric problem is the same than the one used for solving the
real symmetric case in Section 3.2 (just replace dfeast_srci{x} by zfeast_srci{x}).
Here is a general (F90) template example of RCI for solving real/complex general problem:
1 i jo b=1 ! i n i t i a l i z a t i o n
2 do w hile ( i j o b /=0)
3 c a l l z f ea s t_ g r ci ( ij ob ,N, Ze , work1 , work2 , Aq, Bq , fpm , epsout , loop , Emid , r ,M0, E,X,M, res , i n f o )
4 s e l e c t ca se ( i j o b )
5 c as e ( 10) ! ! F ac to ri ze the complex matrix Az <=(ZeBA) or f a c t o r i z e a pr ec o nd it i on er o f ZeBA
6 ! !REMARK: Az can be formed and f a c t o r iz e d us in g s i n g l e p r e c i si o n a ri th me ti c
7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
8 c as e ( 11) ! ! So lv e the l i n e a r system with fpm (23 ) rhs ; Az Qz=work2 ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
9 ! ! Res ult ( i n pl ace ) in work2 <= Qz ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
10 ! !REMARKS: So lve can be performed i n s i n g l e p r e c i si o n
11 ! ! Low accuracy i t e r a t i v e s o l ve r are ok
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
13 c as e ( 20) ! ! [ Optional : only i f needed by case ( 2 1 ) ]
14 ! ! F ac to ri z e the complex matrix Az^H
15 ! !REMARKS: The matrix Az from ca se ( 10) cannot be ov er wri tt en
16 ! ! cas e ( 20) becomes o b so l et e i f the s o lv e i n c ase ( 21) can be performed
17 ! ! by re us in g the f a c t o r i z a t i o n i n c ase (1 0)
18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
19 c as e ( 21) ! ! So lv e the l i n e a r system with fpm (23 ) rhs ; Az^H Qz=work2 ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 2 3) )
20 ! ! Res ult ( i n pl ace ) in work2 <= Qz ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
22 c as e ( 30) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n A X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
23 ! ! where i=fpm (2 4) and j=fpm(24)+fpm(25) 1
24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
25 c as e ( 31) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n A^H X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
26 ! ! where i=fpm (3 4) and j=fpm(34)+fpm(35) 1
27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
28 c as e ( 40) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n B X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
29 ! ! where i=fpm ( 24 ) and j=fpm(24)+fpm(25)1
30 ! !REMARK: us er must s e t work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )=X( 1 :N, i : j ) i f B=I
31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
32 c as e ( 41) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n B^H X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
33 ! ! where i=fpm ( 34 ) and j=fpm(34)+fpm(35)1
34 ! !REMARK: us er must s e t work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )=X( 1 :N, i : j ) i f B=I
35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er e nt ry
36 end s e l e c t
37 end do
3.4 FEAST Polynomial (quadratic, cubic, quartic, etc.)
x = 0
!!!! {Ai} Real-Sym., Complex Herm., Complex Sym., Real General and Complex General
!!!! RCI (format independent) - Real/Complex Symmetric and Hermitian/Real/Complex General
We note the following:
The Table below details the series of arguments in {List-A} that are specific to the type of matrix
format represented above by F (as a placeholder). Remark: the banded format is not supported.
F List-A
Symmetric/Hermitian {y,e} {UPLO, p, N, A, LDA}
General e {p, N, A, LDA}
Symmetric/Hermitian csr {UPLO, p, N, A, IA, JA}
General csr {p, N, A, IA, JA}
Table 8 details the specific matrix-format arguments in {List-A}.
The common arguments in all the polynomial FEAST interfaces above are identical to the ones given
for the non-Hermitian case in Table 7.
The argument for the RCI interfaces (in red above) are also identical to the ones given for the non-
Hermitian case in Table 7. We note the addition of the argument integer p which stands for the degree
of the polynomial (e.g. p=2 fro quadratic, p=3 for cubic etc.)
Type I/O Description
UPLO character(len=1) in Matrix Storage (’F’,’L’,’U’)
’F’: Full; ’L’: Lower; ’U’: Upper
N integer in Size of the system
p integer in Degree of the polynomial
A double real(LDA,N,p+1) using dfeast in All system matrices A(:,i)
double complex(LDA,N,p+1) using zfeast
LDA integer in 1st Leading dimension of A LDA>=N
Sparse-csr - where nnz_max stands for the max of non-zero elements among all A sparse matrices
A double real(nnz_max,p+1) using dfeast in All system matrices A(:,i) - CSR values
double complex(nnz_max,p+1) using zfeast
IA integer(N+1,p+1) in All sparse CSR Row array of A(:,i).
JA integer(nnz_max,p+1) in All sparse CSR Column array of A(:,i).
Table 8: List of arguments that are matrix-format specific for the FEAST Polynomial Driver interfaces.
Remark: A(:,i)==A
in Fortran.
Polynomial Driver Interfaces: Examples
Let us consider the following system:
System5 a quadratic eigenvalue problem (A
+ A
λ +A
)x = 0 , where A
, A
, A
are real symmetric.
The size of the system is N = 1000 with 2998 non-zero elements for A
and A
, and 1000 for A
The $FEASTROOT/example/FEAST directory provides Fortran and C implementation of this system using
both dense and sparse-CSR storage. Here, the complete list of routines:
The $FEASTROOT/example/PFEAST-L2 directory provides the parallel implementation of these routines
using FEAST-MPI. The routine names are preceded by the letter P. The MPI parallelization operates only
at the second level L2 where all the (fpm(2)) linear systems are distributed among the MPI processes.
Polynomial RCI Interfaces
Here is a general (F90) template example of RCI for solving real/complex symmetric problem:
1 ! ! ! Here your polynomial m atri ces a re i n st or ed A[ i ] ( i = 1 ,. . , p+1) ( p polynomial d eg re e )
2 ! ! ! Al l the m atri ces a re r e a l or complex symmetric
3 i jo b=1 ! i n i t i a l i z a t i o n
4 do w hile ( i j o b /=0)
5 c a l l z fe a st _ sr ci p ev ( ij ob , p ,N, Ze , work1 , work2 , Aq, Bq, fpm , epsout , loop , Emid , r ,M0, E,X,M, res , i n f o )
6 s e l e c t ca se ( i j o b )
7 c as e ( 10) ! ! Form and Fa ct ori ze P( Ze )
8 ! ! Example f o r the qu adr ati c problem : P( Ze)=A[ 3 ] Ze2+A[ 2 ] Ze+A[ 1 ]
9 ! !REMARK: P( Ze ) can be formed and f a c t o r iz e d us in g s i n g l e p r e c i si o n a ri th me ti c
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
11 c as e ( 11) ! ! So lv e the l i n e a r system with fpm (23 ) rhs ; P( Ze ) Qz=work2 ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm (2 3 ))
12 ! ! Res ult ( i n pl ace ) in work2 <= Qz ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
13 ! !REMARKS: So lve can be performed i n s i n g l e p r e c i si o n
14 ! ! Low accuracy i t e r a t i v e s o l ve r are ok
15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
16 c as e ( 30) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n A[ fpm ( 5 7) ] X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
17 ! ! where i=fpm (2 4) and j=fpm(24)+fpm (25) 1; fpm (57 ) take the v al u es 1 . . . p+1
18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
19 end s e l e c t
20 end do
Here is a general (F90) template example of RCI for solving Hermitian or real/complex general problem:
1 ! ! ! Here your polynomial m atri ces a re i n st or ed A[ i ] ( i = 1 ,. . , p+1) ( p polynomial d eg re e )
2 ! ! ! At l e a s t one matrix i s not r e al / complex symmetric
3 i jo b=1 ! i n i t i a l i z a t i o n
4 do w hile ( i j o b /=0)
5 c a l l z fe as t_ grc ip ev ( ij ob , p ,N, Ze , work1 , work2 , Aq, Bq , fpm , epsout , loop , Emid , r ,M0, E,X,M, res , i n f o )
6 s e l e c t ca se ( i j o b )
7 c as e ( 10) ! ! Form and Fa ct ori ze P( Ze )
8 ! ! Example f o r the qu adr ati c problem : P( Ze)=A[ 3 ] Ze2+A[ 2 ] Ze+A[ 1 ]
9 ! !REMARK: P( Ze ) can be formed and f a c t o r iz e d us in g s i n g l e p r e c i si o n a ri th me ti c
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
11 c as e ( 11) ! ! So lv e the l i n e a r system with fpm (23 ) rhs ; P( Ze ) Qz=work2 ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm (2 3 ))
12 ! ! Res ult ( i n pl ace ) in work2 <= Qz ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
13 ! !REMARKS: So lve can be performed i n s i n g l e p r e c i si o n
14 ! ! Low accuracy i t e r a t i v e s o l ve r are ok
15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
16 c as e ( 20) ! ! [ Optional : only i f needed by case ( 2 1 ) ]
17 ! ! F ac to ri z e the complex matrix P( Ze )^H
18 ! !REMARKS: The f a c t o r i z a t i o n P( Ze ) from ca se (1 0) cannot be o ver wr itt en
19 ! ! cas e ( 20) becomes o b so l et e i f the s o lv e i n c ase ( 21) can be performed
20 ! ! by re us in g the f a c t o r i z a t i o n i n c ase (1 0)
21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
22 c as e ( 21) ! ! So lv e the l i n e a r system with fpm (23 ) rhs ; P( Ze )^H Qz=work2 ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ) )
23 ! ! Res ult ( i n pl ace ) in work2 <= Qz ( 1 :N, 1 : fpm ( 23 ))
24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
25 c as e ( 30) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n A[ fpm ( 5 7) ] X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
26 ! ! where i=fpm (2 4) and j=fpm(24)+fpm (25) 1; fpm (57 ) w i l l the v alu es 1 . . . p+1
27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
28 c as e ( 31) ! ! Perform m u l ti p l i ca t i o n A^H[ fpm ( 5 7 ) ] X( 1 :N, i : j ) r e s u l t in work1 ( 1 :N, i : j )
29 ! ! where i=fpm (3 4) and j=fpm(34)+fpm (35) 1; fpm (57 ) w i l l the v alu es 1 . . . p+1
30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<< us er entr y
31 end s e l e c t
32 end do
3.5 IFEAST (FEAST w/o Factorization)
IFEAST stands for using FEAST using inexact iterative solver for solving the linear systems (instead of using
a direct solver). IFEAST only supports the sparse driver interfaces where the MKL-PARDISO solver is then
replaced by a built-in BiCGstab solver. IFEAST is particularly effective if the sparse system matrix is very
large (typically >1M) and/or the direct factorization becomes too expensive (both in time and memory).
Two options are possible for calling IFEAST:
Option1 In the naming convention of all FEAST sparse drivers, replace feast by ifeast.
Option2 Keep the name of your FEAST sparse driver unchanged but use the new flag value fpm(43)=1.
As an example, let us re-work the helloworld example presented in Section 2.4. Here are the few lines
that need to be changed in the code in order to make use of IFEAST:
1 ! ! ! ! the matrix A needs f i r s t to be d ef ine d in sp ar s e CSR format ;
2 ! ! ! ! add the se l i n e s i n the v ar i ab l e d ec l ar a t i o n s e ct i o n o f the program
3 i nt ege r , parameter : : NNZ
4 double p r ec is i on , dimension (NNZ) : : sA=(/2.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 3 . 0 d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0,&
5 &1.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 3 . 0 d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 2 . 0 d0 /)
6 i nt ege r , dimension (N+1) : : IA =(/1 ,4 ,8 , 12 ,15 /)
7 i nt ege r , dimension (NNZ) : : JA= (/1 ,2 ,3 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 4/)
10 ! ! ! ! The d i r ec t c a l l to IFEAST can be done as f o ll o w ( opt io n 1)
11 c a l l f e a s t i n i t ( fpm)
12 fpm(1)=1 ! ! change from d e f a u lt value ( p ri nt i n f o on sc re en )
13 c a l l d i fe a st _ sc s re v (UPLO,N, sA , IA , JA, fpm , epsout , loop , Emin , Emax,M0,E,X,M, res , i n f o )
15 ! ! ! ! A l te rn at iv el y , an i n d i r e c t c a l l to IFEAST i s a l so p o s s i b le ( opt io n 2)
16 c a l l f e a s t i n i t ( fpm)
17 fpm(1)=1 ! ! change from d e f a u lt value ( p ri nt i n f o on sc re en )
18 fpm(43)=1 ! ! switc h s o l ve r in FEAST s pa rse d r iv e r from MKLPARDISO to BicGStab
19 c a l l d fea st _s cs rev (UPLO,N, sA , IA , JA, fpm , epsout , loop , Emin , Emax,M0, E,X,M, res , i n f o )
Here is the output of the run:
*********** FEAST v4.0 BEGIN ******************
Solving AX=eX with A real symmetric
List of input parameters fpm(1:64)-- if different from default
fpm( 1)= 1
| FEAST data |
| Emin | 3.0000000000000000E+00 |
| Emax | 5.0000000000000000E+00 |
| #Contour nodes | 4 (half-contour) |
| Quadrature rule | Trapezoidal |
| Ellipse ratio y/x | 1.00 |
| System solver | BiCGstab |
| | eps=1E-1; maxit= 40 |
| | Single precision |
| | Matrix scaled |
| FEAST uses MKL? | Yes |
| Fact. stored? | Yes |
| Initial Guess | Random |
| Size system | 4 |
| Size subspace | 3 |
| FEAST runs |
#It | #Eig | Trace | Error-Trace | Max-Residual
#it 4; res min= 1.0501874385226984E-05; res max= 3.1005099299363792E-04
#it 3; res min= 1.8933478742837906E-02; res max= 9.8125219345092773E-02
#it 2; res min= 2.9427373781800270E-02; res max= 8.7035216391086578E-02
#it 2; res min= 1.8594998866319656E-02; res max= 4.0714181959629059E-02
0 2 7.9995148090616173E+00 1.0000000000000000E+00 8.7043125405406700E-03
#it 2; res min= 2.8199069201946259E-02; res max= 5.2359659224748611E-02
#it 2; res min= 6.4112566411495209E-02; res max= 8.7011836469173431E-02
#it 2; res min= 3.0766267329454422E-02; res max= 5.8814667165279388E-02
#it 2; res min= 1.4842565171420574E-02; res max= 1.5974638983607292E-02
1 2 7.9999999809553799E+00 9.7034378752525186E-05 5.5062636929826442E-05
#it 1; res min= 5.3539618849754333E-02; res max= 5.3563684225082397E-02
#it 1; res min= 8.7251774966716766E-02; res max= 8.7261073291301727E-02
#it 1; res min= 7.2112381458282471E-02; res max= 7.2119705379009247E-02
#it 1; res min= 6.5362729132175446E-02; res max= 6.5378636121749878E-02
2 2 7.9999999999999591E+00 3.8089158493903597E-09 7.6857681986636782E-08
#it 1; res min= 3.4910961985588074E-02; res max= 3.4911289811134338E-02
#it 1; res min= 8.4501713514328003E-02; res max= 8.4501914680004120E-02
#it 1; res min= 6.9185368716716766E-02; res max= 6.9185607135295868E-02
#it 1; res min= 6.2304046005010605E-02; res max= 6.2304504215717316E-02
3 2 8.0000000000000036E+00 8.8817841970012523E-15 2.5198258072819870E-12
#it 1; res min= 3.4680232405662537E-02; res max= 3.4876041114330292E-02
#it 1; res min= 8.4406383335590363E-02; res max= 8.4497839212417603E-02
#it 1; res min= 6.9181196391582489E-02; res max= 6.9283291697502136E-02
#it 1; res min= 6.2299706041812897E-02; res max= 6.2503643333911896E-02
4 2 8.0000000000000000E+00 7.1054273576010023E-16 3.0767402982137245E-16
==>FEAST has successfully converged with Residual tolerance <1E-12
# FEAST outside it. 4
# Inner BiCGstab it. 31
# Eigenvalue found 2 from 3.9999999999999991E+00 to 4.0000000000000009E+00
| FEAST-RCI timing |
| Fact. cases(10,20)| 0.0000 |
| Solve cases(11,12)| 0.0189 |
| A*x cases(30,31)| 0.0000 |
| B*x cases(40,41)| 0.0001 |
| Misc. time | 0.0005 |
| Total time (s) | 0.0195 |
*********** FEAST- END*************************
Solutions (Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors/Residuals)
E= 4.00000000000000 X= 0.353553390593291 -0.853553390593266
0.146446609406686 0.353553390593291 Res= 3.076740298213724E-016
E= 4.00000000000000 X= 0.353553390593257 0.146446609406767
-0.853553390593281 0.353553390593257 Res= 2.361858070262224E-016
Some Remarks:
IFEAST is using different default fpm parameters than FEAST. In particular, the trapezoidal rule is
used along a half-circle with 4 contour integration points, as well as the BiCGStab iterative solver.
Each FEAST loop reports the total number of BiCGstab iterations for each linear system solve needed
to reach the accuracy defined in fpm(45). The total number of BiCGtab iterations will be reported in
fpm(60) (here 31, of course IFEAST is rather ineffective for such small system).
You may have noticed that the values of the output eigenvectors for this example are different than
the ones reported in Section 2.4. As a reminder, eigenvectors are not unique, both solutions are here
orthonormal and correct (they span the same eigenvector subspace).
3.6 PFEAST and PIFEAST (MPI-solver)
In FEAST v4.0, the FEAST-MPI library enables the use of MPI linear system solvers at L3. As a result,
the three level of parallelisms of FEAST (L1-L2-L3) can all support MPI (FEAST is internally using three
MPI communicators). This MPI-MPI-MPI programming model is named PFEAST. PFEAST currently
supports all the sparse drivers (for Hermitian/non-Hermitian/Polynomial problems) as well as all the RCI
interfaces. Using RCI, an expert developer could straightforwardly customize PFEAST using highly-efficient
application-specific MPI solvers such as: domain decompositions, or iterative/hybrid solvers with/without
Here some information about the use of PFEAST:
Initialization The feastinit(fpm) routine must be replaced by pfeastinit(fpm, L1_comm_world, nL3)
which, in addition of setting up default fpm values, is going to initialize all MPI communicators.
L1_comm_world represents your own defined MPI communicator for a given search contour (con-
taining nL1 total MPI processes), if only a single contour is used it must take the value MPI_COMM_WORLD.
nL3 is an (in/out) integer input that indicates the number of MPI processes you wish to use at
level L3 (MPI system solver). The value of nL3 will be reassigned to nL1 if nL1 is not a multiple
of nL3. In addition, if nL1< nL3 then nL3= nL1 on exit. Ideally, nL1/nL3 should be a multiple of
a number of contour points (if it is equal to the number of contour points, then L2 is optimally
used). Furthermore, L3 can also be threaded (MPI calling OpenMP on each local distributed
system), make sure that your number of selected threads <omp> times nL1 does not exceed the
number of available physical cores of your cluster.
This initialization routine is setting up the L3 communicator fpm(49) (n particular) that may be
needed to distribute your matrix.
Sparse Drivers In the naming convention of the FEAST sparse drivers, all routine names must be pre-
ceded by the letter p. In particular, you must replace z{i}feast by pz{i}feast, or d{i}feast
by pd{i}feast. We actually use the names PFEAST and PIFEAST to indicate the MPI version
of the FEAST and IFEAST interfaces, respectively. PFEAST is using MKL-Cluster-PARDISO and
PIFEAST is using a built-in MPI-BiCGstab iterative solver (PBiCGStab). PIFEAST is also using its
own built-in highly efficient MPI sparse mat-vec library.
PFEAST/PIFEAST drivers allow two options for the row distribution of matrices and solution vectors:
global and common to all L3-MPI processes (The row-distribution will then take place internally).
The argument list for all interfaces stay unchanged.
locally row distributed among all L3-MPI processes. The user is responsible for distributing
the data using the fpm(49) L3 communicator. The argument list for all interfaces stay mostly
unchanged but the size of matrix/vectors N which must now be local.
Furthermore, PFEAST/PIFEAST will automatically detect which option above you are using!
RCI Interfaces The names of the RCI interfaces do not change (the letter p is not needed). In the argument
list, only the size N must be changed to its local value (i.e. local number of rows for the row-distributed
vector and work arrays).
PFEAST with global L3 distribution: Examples
The $FEASTROOT/example/PFEAST-L2L3 directory provides Fortran and C implementation of System1 to
System5 examples (discussed previously). Here is the complete list of the PFEAST routines that are all
using global sparse CSR-storage.
Type Routine
System1 Real Sym. Generalized P{F90,C}sparse_pdfeast_scsrgv
System2 Complex Herm. Standard P{F90,C}sparse_pzfeast_hcsrev
System3 Real non-Sym. Generalized P{F90,C}sparse_pdfeast_gcsrgv
System4 Complex Sym. Standard P{F90,C}sparse_pzfeast_scsrev
System5 Real Sym. Quadratic P{F90,C}sparse_pdfeast_scsrpev
PFEAST with local L3 distribution: Example
As an example, let us re-work the helloworld example presented in Section 2.4 using 2 MPI processes to
distributed the 4 × 4 matrix. We obtain (for example):
A =
2 1 1 0
1 3 1 1
1 1 3 1
0 1 1 2
A Fortran90 source code example is provided below:
1 program h el lo wor ld _p fe as t_l oc al
2 i m p l i c i t none
3 i nc lud e mpif . h
4 ! ! 4x4 g l ob al e ig e nv al ue system == two 2x4 l o c a l ma tric es
5 in te ge r , parameter : : Nloc =2, NNZloc=7
6 ch ar ac te r ( le n =1) : : UPLO=F
7 double p re c is io n , dimension ( NNZloc ) : : Aloc
8 in te ge r , dimension ( Nloc+1) : : IAloc
9 in te ge r , dimension ( NNZloc ) : : JAloc
10 ! ! input parameters f or FEAST
11 in te ge r , dimension ( 64) : : fpm
12 i n t e g e r : : M0=3 ! s ea rch subspace dimension
13 double p r e c i s io n : : Emin=3.0d0 , Emax=5.0d0 ! se arch i n t e r v a l
14 ! ! output v ar i a b le s f or FEAST
15 double p re c is io n , dimension ( : ) , a l l o c a t a b l e : : E, r es
16 double p re c is io n , dimension ( : , : ) , a l l o c a t a b le : : X
17 double p r e c i s io n : : epsout
18 i n t e g e r : : nL3 , rank3 , loop , in fo ,M, i
19 ! ! ! MPI
20 i n t e g e r : : code
21 c a l l MPI_INIT( code )
23 ! ! ! A ll oc at e memory f o r ei g en va lu es . e ig en ve ct or s , r e s id u a l
24 a l l o c a t e (E(M0) ,X( Nloc ,M0) , r es (M0) )
27 nL3=2
28 c a l l p f e a s t i n i t (fpm ,MPI_COMM_WORLD, nL3)
30 c a l l MPI_COMM_RANK(fpm ( 49 ) , rank3 , code ) ! ! f i nd rank o f new L3 communicator
31 i f ( rank3==0) then
32 Aloc =(/2.0 d0 , 1.0 d0 , 1.0 d0 , 1.0d0 , 3 . 0 d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0 d0 /)
33 IAloc =(/1 ,4 ,8/)
34 JAloc =( /1 , 2 , 3 ,1 , 2 , 3 ,4 /)
35 e l s e i f ( rank3==1) then
36 Aloc=(/1.0d0 , 1.0 d0 , 3 . 0 d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 2 . 0 d0 /)
37 IAloc =(/1 ,5 ,8/)
38 JAloc =( /1 , 2 , 3 ,4 , 2 , 3 ,4 /)
39 e nd i f
41 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PFEAST
42 fpm(1)=1 ! ! change from d e f a u lt value ( p ri nt i n f o on sc re en )
43 c a l l p dfe ast _sc sre v (UPLO, Nloc , Aloc , IAloc , JAloc , fpm , epsout , loop , Emin , Emax,M0,E, X,M, res , i n f o )
45 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! REPORT
46 i f ( i nf o ==0) then
47 p ri nt , S ol u ti on s ( Ei ge nval ue s / Ei gen vec tor s / Re sid ual s ) at rank L3 , rank3
48 do i =1,M
49 p ri nt , E igen value , i
50 p ri nt , E= ,E( i ) , X= ,X( : , i ) , Res= , r es ( i )
51 enddo
52 e nd i f
54 end program h ell ow or ld _pf ea st _l oc al
Your program must be compiled using the same MPI implementation used to compile the FEAST-MPI
library. Once compiled, your source program must now be linked with the pfeast library. You can use (for
mpiifort -o helloworld_pfeast_local helloworld_pfeast_local.f90
-L$FEASTROOT>/lib/<arch> -lpfeast -mkl=parallel -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -liomp5
-lpthread -lm -ldl
if FEAST was compiled with ifort, MKL flag was set to ’yes’, and MPI was chosen to be ’impi’ (intel
mpif90.mpich -fc=gfortran -o helloworld_pfeast_local helloworld_pfeast_local.f90
-L$FEASTROOT>/lib/<arch> -lpfeast -Wl,–no-as-needed -lmkl_gf_lp64 -lmkl_gnu_thread
-lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lgomp -lpthread -lm -ldl
if FEAST was compiled with gfortran, MKL flag was set to ’yes’, and MPI was chosen to be ’mpich’.
A run of the resulting executable looks like:
mpirun -n 2 ./helloworld_pfeast_local
and the output of the run should be:
*********** FEAST v4.0 BEGIN ******************
Solving AX=eX with A real symmetric
#MPI (total=L2*L3) 2= 1* 2
List of input parameters fpm(1:64)-- if different from default
fpm( 1)= 1
| FEAST data |
| Emin | 3.0000000000000000E+00 |
| Emax | 5.0000000000000000E+00 |
| #Contour nodes | 8 (half-contour) |
| Quadrature rule | Gauss |
| Ellipse ratio y/x | 0.30 |
| System solver | MKL-Cluster-Pardiso |
| | Single precision |
| | Matrix scaled |
| FEAST uses MKL? | Yes |
| Fact. stored? | Yes |
| Initial Guess | Random |
| Size system | 4 |
| Size subspace | 3 |
| FEAST runs |
#It | #Eig | Trace | Error-Trace | Max-Residual
0 2 7.9999999999999947E+00 1.0000000000000000E+00 1.2829791863202860E-08
1 2 8.0000000000000000E+00 1.0658141036401502E-15 6.6022321739723205E-16
==>FEAST has successfully converged with Residual tolerance <1E-12
# FEAST outside it. 1
# Eigenvalue found 2 from 3.9999999999999996E+00 to 4.0000000000000000E+00
| FEAST-RCI timing |
| Fact. cases(10,20)| 0.0058 |
| Solve cases(11,12)| 0.0025 |
| A*x cases(30,31)| 0.0000 |
| B*x cases(40,41)| 0.0000 |
| Misc. time | 0.0005 |
| Total time (s) | 0.0088 |
*********** FEAST- END*************************
Solutions (Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors/Residuals) at rank L3 0
Eigenvalue 1
E= 4.00000000000000 X= 0.358971274554087 -0.851189974005894 Res= 2.784560286672102E-016
Eigenvalue 2
E= 4.00000000000000 X= -0.348051180209196 -0.159610864767551 Res= 6.602232173972321E-016
Solutions (Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors/Residuals) at rank L3 1
Eigenvalue 1
E= 4.00000000000000 X= 0.133247424897719 0.358971274554087 Res= 2.784560286672102E-016
Eigenvalue 2
E= 4.00000000000000 X= 0.855713225185942 -0.348051180209196 Res= 6.602232173972321E-016
PFEAST using 3 levels of parallelism: Example
Three levels of parallelism means that L1 is active and multiple search contours can be used simultaneously.
FEAST v4.0 does not offer automatic partitioning of the overall eigenvalue spectrum, it is then up to the
users to guess it. Users could take advantage of fast stochastic estimates with the flag fpm(14)=2. Once the
eigenvalue spectrum partitioned, a single call to PFEAST will account for all L1-L2-L3 MPI parallelism.
The $FEASTROOT/example/PFEAST-L1L2L3 directory provides Fortran and C implementation of the Sys-
tem2 example (discussed previously). It uses two search intervals. The name of the routines are:
sparse 3P{F90,C}dense_pzfeast_hcsrev
Remark: Since multiple search intervals are involved, the option fpm(1)=1 (printing FEAST info on screen),
may provide a bit confusing results to read. You can easily change this flag value using fpm(1)=-i with i
is associated with the rank i-1 of the L1 MPI Communicator. Each search contour will then print all its
FEAST results into separate files named feast{i}.log.
4 Complement
4.1 Matrix storage
Let us consider the following matrix A (as an example):
A =
0 0
0 a
0 0 a
If the matrix presents some particular properties such as Hermitian (a
= a
for i 6= j) or symmetric
= a
), only half of the matrix elements need to be defined. Using the FEAST Driver interfaces, this
matrix could be stored in dense, banded or sparse-CSR format as follows:
Dense The matrix is stored in a two dimensional array in a straightforward fashion. Using the options
UPLO=’L’ or UPLO=’U’, the lower triangular or upper triangular part respectively, do not need to be
Banded The matrix is also stored in a two dimensional array following the banded LAPACK-type storage:
A =
In contrast to LAPACK, no extra-storage space is necessary since LDA>=kl+ku+1 if UPLO=’F’ (LAPACK
banded storage would require LDA>=2*kl+ku+1). For this example, the number of subdiagonals kl and
superdiagonals is ku are both equal to 1. Using the option UPLO=’L’ or UPLO=’U’, the rows respectively
above or below the diagonal elements row, do not need to be referenced (or stored).
Sparse-CSR The non-zero elements of the matrix are stored using a set of one dimensional arrays (A,IA,JA)
following the definition of the CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) format
A = (a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
IA = (1, 3, 6, 9, 11)
JA = (1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4)
Using the option UPLO=’L’ or UPLO=’U’, one would get respectively
A = (a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
IA = (1, 2, 4, 6, 8)
JA = (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4)
A = (a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
IA = (1, 3, 5, 7, 8)
JA = (1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4)
4.2 Search contour
Figure 2 summarizes the different search contour options possible for both the Hermitian and non-Hermitian
(including Polynomial) FEAST algorithms.
For the Hermitian case, the user must then specify a 1-dimensional real-valued search interval [E
, E
These two points are used to define a circular or ellipsoid contour C centered on the real axis, and along
which the complex integration nodes are generated. The choice of a particular quadrature rule will lead to
a different set of relative positions for the nodes and associated quadrature weights. Since the eigenvalues
are real, it is convenient to select a symmetric contour with the real axis (C = C
) since it only requires to
operate the quadrature on the half-contour (e.g. upper half).
With a non-Hermitian/Polynomial problem, it is necessary to specify a 2-dimensional search interval that
surrounds the wanted complex eigenvalues. Circular or ellipsoid contours can also be used and they can be
generated using standard options included into FEAST v4.0. These are defined by a complex midpoint E
and a radius r for a circle (for an ellipse the ratio between the horizontal axis 2r and vertical axis can also
be specified, as well as an angle of rotation). A “Custom Contour” feature is also supported that can use
arbitrary quadrature nodes and weights (provided by the users).
0 1 2 3 4
5 6
Tall Ellipse - 70
0 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Flat Ellipse
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 2: Various search contour examples for the Hermitian and the non-Hermitian/Polynomial FEAST
algorithms. Both algorithms feature standard ellipsoid contour options and the possibility to define custom
arbitrary shapes. In the Hermitian case, the contour is symmetric with the real axis and only the nodes in
the upper-half may be generated. In the non-Hermitian/Polynomial case, a full contour is needed to enclose
the wanted complex eigenvalues. Some data used to generate these plots:
Hermitian case: fpm(2)=5 for all, [E
, E
] = [1, 4], r = 1.5 for all; fpm(18)=50 for the flat ellipse;
and expert routine for the custom contour
Non-Hermitian/Polynomial case: fpm(8)=10 for all; E
= 3.5 + i and r = 1.5 for circle; E
3.4 + 1.3i, r = 0.75, fpm(18)=200, fpm(19)=70 for tall rotated ellipse; and expert routine for the custom
The FEAST package provides a couple of utility routines that can return the integration nodes and
weight used by the FEAST interfaces:
Returns FEAST integration nodes and weights for a half-contour contour defined by Emin and Emax.
To be used with Hermitian FEAST interfaces.
- Returns FEAST integration nodes and weights for a full contour defined by Emid and r. To be used
with non-Hermitian and polynomial FEAST interfaces.
The description of the arguments list for these routines is given in Table 9 and Table 10.
Type I/O Description
Emin, Emax double real in Lower and Upper bounds of search interval
fpm2 integer in Value of fpm(2)- #contour point (half-contour)
fpm16 integer in Value of fpm(16)- Integration type
fpm18 integer in Value of fpm(18)- Ellipse definition
Zne double complex out Integration nodes
Wne double complex out Integration weights
Table 9: List of arguments for zfeast_contour.
Type I/O Description
Emid double complex in Coordinate center of the contour ellipse
r double real in Horizontal radius of the contour ellipse
fpm8 integer in Value of fpm(8)- #contour point (full-contour)
fpm16 integer in Value of fpm(16)- Integration type
fpm18 integer in Value of fpm(18)- Ellipse definition
fpm19 integer in Value of fpm(19)- Ellipse rotation angle
Zne double complex out Integration nodes
Wne double complex out Integration weights
Table 10: List of arguments for zfeast_gcontour.
4.3 Contour Customization
The Custom Contour feature grants the flexibility to target specific eigenvalues in a complex plane. This
feature must be used with “Expert” routines that take two additional arguments containing the complex
integration nodes and weights. Custom contours can be employed by following three simple steps:
1. Define a contour (half-contour that encloses [λ
, λ
] for the Hermitian problem, or full contour
for the non-Hermitian/Polynomial problem),
2. Calculate corresponding integration nodes and weights, and
3. Call “Expert” FEAST routine (either Driver or RCI interfaces by adding a x at the end of the routine
Furthermore, the FEAST package provides a utility routine zfeast_customcontour that can assist the
user to extract nodes and weights from a custom design arbitrary geometry in the complex plane (full-
contour). Users must only define the geometry of their contour. The contour can be comprised of line
segments and half ellipses. Two important points to note: (i) the actual contour will end up being a polygon
defined by the integration points along the path, and (ii) only convex contours may be used. A geometry
that contains P contour parts/pieces is defined using three arrays Zedge, Tedge, and Nedge. The interface
is defined below and the description of the arguments list is given in Table 11.
As an example, the following code will generate the corresponding complex contour.
Type I/O Description
Nc integer in The total number of integration nodes, should be equal to
P integer in Number of contour parts/pieces that make up the contour
Zedge integer(P) in Complex endpoints of each contour piece
Remark: * endpoints positioned in clockwise direction
* the k
piece is [Zedge(k),Zedge(k + 1)]
* last piece is [Zedge(P),Zedge(1)]
Tedge integer(P) in The type of each contour piece:
*If Tedge(k)=0, k
piece is a line
*If Tedge(k)>0, k
piece is a (convex) half-ellipse
with Tedge(k)/100 = ratio a/b and a primary radius from the endpoints
Remark: 100 is a half-circle
Nedge integer(P) in #integration intervals to consider for each piece
define the accuracy of the trapezoidal rule by piece for FEAST
Zne double complex out Custom integration nodes for FEAST
Wne double complex out Custom integration weights for FEAST
Table 11: List of arguments for zfeast_customcontour.
1 P = 3 ! number of p i e c es that make up the contour
2 a l l o c a t e ( Zedge ( 1 :P) , Nedge ( 1 :P) , Tedge ( 1 :P) )
3 Zedge = ( /( 0 . 0 d0 , 0 . 0 d0 ) , ( 0 . 0 d0 , 1 . 0 d0 ) , ( 6 . 0 d0 , 1 . 0 d0 ) /)
4 Tedge ( : ) = ( /0 , 0 , 50/ ) ! ( l i n e )( l i n e )( hal f c i r c l e )
5 Nedge ( : ) = ( /8 ,8 ,8 /) ! i n te g r at i o n i n t e r v a l s by pi ec e
6 Nc = sum (Nedge ( 1 :P)) ! #contour po in ts ( here 24)
7 a l l o c a t e ( Zne ( 1 : Nc) , Wne( 1 : Nc) )
8 c a l l z f east_cust omcontour (Nc ,P, Nedge , Tedge , Zedge , Zne ,Wne)
9 ! (Zne , Wne) a re now de fi ne d and ready to use f or FEAST
The $FEASTROOT/example/FEAST directory provides Fortran and C implementation of the expert FEAST
routines using a custom contour. It is applied on the System4 example using both dense, banded and sparse-
CSR storage. Here, the complete list of routines:
4.4 FEAST utility sparse drivers
If a sparse matrix can be provided by the user in coordinate/matrix market format, the $FEASTROOT/utility
directory offers a quick way to test all the FEAST parameter options and the efficiency/reliability/timing of
the FEAST SPARSE driver interfaces. Two general drivers are provided for FEAST/IFEAST and PFEAST-
/PIFEAST, named driver_feast_sparse or driver_pfeast_sparse in their respective subdirectories. The
command >make all should compile the drivers.
If we denote mytest a generic name for the user’s eigenvalue system test Ax = λx or Ax = λBx. You
will need to create the following three files:
mytest.mtx should contain the matrix A in coordinate format; As a reminder, the coordinate format
is defined row by row as
: : : :
i j real(valj) img(valj)
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
iNNZ jNNZ real(valNNZ) img(valNNZ)
with N: size of matrix, and NNZ: number of non-zero elements.
mytestB.mtx should contain the matrix B (if any) in coordinate format;
mytest.in should contain the search interval, selected FEAST parameters, etc. The following .in file
is given as a template example (here for solving a standard eigenvalue problem in double precision):
s ! s: symmetric, h: hermitian, g: general
g ! e=standard or g=generalized eigenvalue problem
d ! (d,z) precision i.e (double real, double complex)
F ! UPLO (L: lower, U: upper, F: full) for the coordinate format of matrices
0.18d0 ! Emin
1.00d0 ! Emax
25 ! M0 search subspace (M0>=M)
2 !!!!!!!!!! How many changes from default fpm(1,64) (use 1-64 indexing)
1 1 !fpm(1)=1 !example comments on/off (0,1)
2 4 !fpm(2)=4 !number of contour points
You may change any of the above options to fit your needs. For example, you could add as many
fpm FEAST parameters as you wish. You can also use the flag fpm(43)=1 to switch to IFEAST.
In addition, the L or U options for UPLO give you the possibility to provide only the lower or upper
triangular part of the matrices mytest.mtx and mytestB.mtx in coordinate format.
Finally results and timing can be obtained by running the FEAST sparse driver:
./driver_feast_sparse <PATH_TO_MYTEST>/mytest
In addition, all the eigenvalue solutions will be locally saved in the file eig.out.
For the PFEAST sparse drivers, a run would look like (other options could be applied):
mpirun -env MKL_NUM_THREADS <omp> -ppn 1 -n <nL1> ./driver_pfeast_sparse
aaaaaaaaaa<PATH_TO_MYTEST>/mytest nL3
where < nL1 > represents the total number of MPI processes to use for a single contour, and nL3 is
the number of MPI processes used for solving the linear systems. As a reminder, L3 uses MKL-Cluster-
PARDISO with PFEAST, and PBicGStab with PIFEAST. The level L3 can also be threaded by setting
the shell variable MKL_NUM_THREADS equal to the desired number of threads. Make sure that <omp>*<nL1>
does not exceed the number of physical cores. Several combinations of <nL1>, <nL3> and <omp> are possible
depending also on the value of the -ppn directive.
In order to illustrate a direct use of the utility drivers, several examples are provided in the directory
$FEASTROOT/utility/data summarized in Table 12.
Real Complex Symmetric Hermitian General Standard Generalized
helloworld X X X
system1 X X X
system2 X X X
system3 X X X
system4 X X X
cnt X X X
co X X X
c6h6 X X X
Na5 X X X
grcar X X X
qc324 X X X
bcsstk11 X X X
Table 12: List of system matrices provided in the $FEASTROOT/utility/data directory. System 1 to 4
corresponds to the matrices used in the example directory.
To run a specific test, you can execute using the FEAST driver (for example):
./driver_feast_sparse ../data/cnt
or using the PFEAST driver (for example):
mpirun -env MKL_NUM_THREADS 2 -n 4 ./driver_pfeast_sparse ../data/cnt 2
Here we use 8 total compute cores and nL1=4 MPI, nL2=nL1/nL3=2 MPI, nL3=2 MPI, omp=2 threads.